Test and co-create new products
Usability-Tests? Are you interested in participating in our market research studies, opinion polls, and product or usability tests?
The group discussions, workshops, and face-to-face interviews in our studios will allow you to express your personal point of view and, thus, contribute substantially to research and progress.
Simply call us at 030 – 59 00 22 – 500, send a short email to info@ieberlin.de, or click the following button and use our convenient sign-up form. We look forward to your attendance!
100% free registration
Both registration and participation are completely free for you!
Voluntary provision of data
Of course, all data are provided voluntarily and you are free to have them removed from our database any time.
Total data privacy
All personal data will be handled according to the relevant data protection regulations and guidelines.
Become a tester in one of our studios
Do you consider a pleasant working atmosphere, proper payment, and a good connection to public transport important?
In addition to first-class catering and light-flooded premises in the city centre, we offer an appropriate, time-and-effort-based compensation for your participation in our studies.