Because the capital sets the trend.
Due to its exciting history, Berlin – the most densely populated city in Germany with a population of 3.5 million – has become a real “melting pot”, encompassing a plethora of social consumer groups, and has developed into an ideal location for trend research studies over the past few years. Consequently, we conducted a complete overhaul of our trend research division several years ago. We do not recruit participants from a dusty stack of dead files or a limited pool of “market research experts”, but conversely use innovative solutions such as a lean, dynamic database focusing on up-to-date consumer groups. For challenging recruitment projects, we rely on our trendcasting teams and tailored campaigns to inspire our target group to take part in the “market research experience”. Our database includes photos of our 8,000 test persons because we like to know the people we are talking to.
We cover all established methods and target groups and are working to constantly expand our pool of potential participants from a wide range of target groups. Creative workshops, in-homes, shop-alongs, and online bulletin boards with millennials, gamers, trendsetters, or e-poms? We look forward to your inquiry!
For more information and insights on our trend research department, please visit: